Expat Life: Habibti, come to Qatar

Last May, on the train back from Torino, I was writing my annual appraisal and I felt like I had a very clear idea of how my life would play out in the next 5-10 years. I had just participated in a high-level executive meetings along with one of the Partners at my former company,…

Strategy Consulting: Strategy 101

What is strategy? I was talking about this topic with a friend a few days ago and I noticed that most of the people have an understanding of what strategy is, but they don’t really know how to define it. The consolidated definition is the following: strategy is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments…

Expat Life: La differenza la fai tu

Seduta in aeroporto, mi ripeto per l’ennesima volta che questa non è la fine, ma solo l’inizio. Lo ripeto fino a quando non riesco a tranquillizzarmi, fino a quando non sorrido di nuovo, tra me e me. Sono passati quasi otto mesi da quando ho lasciato l’Italia, la mia amata e odiata Italia. Da quella…

Training: Sarnico Lovere Run

So, I’m gonna be extremely honest (and I’m gonna tell you all the details), but if that’s too much we can summarize it with the following sentence: everything that could have gone wrong, has gone wrong, but I finished it. At the starting line! Whoever says running is an individual sport, is wrong. I was…

Training: Half Marathon Distance

On the 12th of October 2015, I wrote a post about my half marathon experience. I haven’t done this distance outside ever since. I was scared I wasn’t going to be ready, I was scared about the pain and the fact I had lost my lust for running for something like 6 months. So, I…

Training: HELL WEEK

Last week I had only two words in mind: Hell Week. I had bought Erik Bertrand Larssen’s book last summer, but for some reasons I never really tried to do what he said. Maybe it was a lack in inspiration, or maybe in motivation. Anyway, as I’ve already said, about 3 weeks ago, I signed…

Training: My First Half

     Alarm clock was set for 6 am, but I started freaking our way before it rang. It was my first seruous race and I was excited, scared, terrified with butterflies in my stomach. I did some stretching and some core stability in the room, the walked to the Health & Fitness Village in Hyde…