
My name is Camilla, and I am a 20-something woman navigating the corporate world in the Middle East. When asked to describe myself, I usually say I’m an over-excited, sleep-deprived human being who runs on cynicism, anxiety, stubbornness, and coffee. After all, are you even a MBB consultant if you are not constantly over caffeinated to keep up with all the things you need to do?

In my free time, I love traveling (and mainly road-tripping), writing on block notes as they did in the 90s, blogging about everything that goes through my mind, taking photos of food and sunsets, running on panoramic trails, training bloody hard especially if it’s CrossFit (but only when the WOD is done), doing yoga at night and geek about corporate strategy.

Here, I mainly talk about my take on Expat Life, what the corporate life is like in Strategy Consulting, and how I keep somewhat healthy through Training (& nutrition).

My to-go quote in life: You make the difference.